Back around 2004 (wow, I can’t believe it’s been 14ish years
since I did this), I was able to do a 10 question interview with actress Tiffany Grant.
Tiffany is a voice actress from Houston, TX. To make it a little more
accessible for Tiffany’s fans, I have put it here on my blog. It’s also easier
to update should links to websites or email addresses change.
Riley: Hello, how are you?
Tiffany Grant: Thanks so much for asking :-) I’ve been working quite a lot lately.
Riley: I’m sure you get asked this a lot. How did you get started in voice acting?
Tiffany Grant: Well, I had been a theatre actor for most of my life. One day, in February 1994, I got a call from a friend of mine who knew about my acting background. Who’d also heard about AD Vision’s very vision’s very first
audition to find voice actors for a project called “Guy: Double Target.” I auditioned on February 12, 1994, and I
was hired immediately as their very voice actor. I’ve been in the business ever since!
Riley: Let’s say I wanted to be a voice over, how would I get started?
Tiffany Grant: Well, I get that question a LOT, and you obviously cannot do it the same way I did! First, you must have a solid acting background or some incredible God-given talent; because ACTING is the most important thing.
Next, understand that there are very few places in the country where this type of work is available: Los Angeles,
NYC, and Houston, and D/FW here in Texas. You MUST live in one of those areas to work in anime voice acting.
If you want to get work with a particular company, you’d need to find out how they go about auditioning and hiring
their performers. At ADVF, open auditions are held about every two months. An aspiring actor only needs to call
and get their name on the waiting list. When your number comes up, so to speak, you get a call. Anyone can get
on the list, so it’s really open to anyone. People are waiting about six months right now to get their appointments.
Patience is a virtue. There are voice-over opportunities everywhere though, so there’s always something if you
LOOK for it.
Riley: Beside what you’re doing now, what would be your dream job?
Tiffany Grant: I guess I’m a truly lucky girl. I already have my dream job! I am thankful everyday that all those years of doing funny voices and imitating people has actually paid off.
Riley: What do you think of the hobby of autograph collecting?Tiffany Grant: I have to admit that I do it myself!!! Therefore, I would say that it’s a fine hobby to have :-) I’ve been
collecting autographs since I was a pretty young kid, but I am sure I don’t have as many as a lot of folks. My guess
would be around fifty or so.
Riley: What do you enjoy in your downtime?Tiffany Grant: I love to read science fiction and biographies. I also do crosswords, and I enjoy going to the movies
and watching DVDs.
Riley: Do you sign autographs through the mail?Tiffany Grant: Yep! People can email me at I can either send a photo, or some people send
items they want signed (w/ an SASE) which I am happy to do.
Riley: Do you limit the number of autographs you give one person?Tiffany Grant: That depends. At conventions, I try to be as accommodating as possible, and most people only
have a few items. I have had rare situations where someone had dozens of items, which is a bit much to take. Also,
conventions will often limit the number of items in the sessions so more people can be taken care of.
I haven’t had a problem with this through the mail, so I’ll have to address that if it ever comes up. I do pay for my
own pictures and the envelopes and postage out of my own pocket, so I can’t really mail anything heavy.
Riley: Do you have an address where a fan can write to you to request your autograph or just say hi?Tiffany Grant:
(Tiffany Grant Fan Club)
Riley: Do you have any words of wisdom or any other additional comments you would like to pass onto your fans?Tiffany Grant: Gee, I don’t know how wise I am, but to anyone wanting to pursue an anime or acting career, I’d say
stick with it and stay resolved. It won’t happen overnight. It’s something very few people are able to make a living
at. It took nine years for me!
Also, thanks to everyone who has supported me over the years, I really appreciate it, and I couldn’t have made it
for so long without you!
Riley: Thank you so much for taking the time Ms. Grant. I really appreciate it. Be sure to look for Tiffany at the next anime convention coming to your town. And be sure to check her website out for all the current news and convention schedule.
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