Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Prison Break: A look back (Buried)


This was my third day on set. It actually wasn’t as eventful as others. But it was probably my most disappointing. But I wouldn’t know that until much later when the show aired. My call time was for this episode was a little later than usual it was at 11:00 am, so I arrived at 10:00 am. This time base camp was set up in a parking lot downtown at the corner of Ross and Field. After I parked, I found the casting assistant and checked in. Afterwards I went directly to wardrobe and got my uniform. Then off to props. I got my gun belt, service revolver, and everything I needed to be another correctional officer. But this time I wasn’t a Fox River Correctional Officer, I was a C.O. for the Arizona Department of Corrections. This particular episode was called “Buried”.
            Not long after I got suited up, they went ahead a called lunch. So they shuttled us to The Adolphus Hotel in downtown Dallas and we had lunch there. I know it seems like I’m a broken record always talking about how good catering was on this production, what can I say though. It was awesome. After I got my food I took a seat and was sitting down next to Marshall Allman. If you don’t know who Marshall is on the show, he plays LJ Burrows. LJ is Linc’s (Dominic Purcell) son. Marshall is a pretty cool guy. He and I and a couple others talked the entire lunch hour. After lunch it was time to head back to set. I had asked Marshall if I could get a quick picture with him. He said “sure no problem”. I then asked if I could
get his autograph. He again said “No Problem” But he said “They’re calling me so
catch me when we get on set.”
Once I arrived on set they were getting ready to shoot my scene. In this scene L.J. Burrows (Marshall’s character) was arrested by the police and then transferred to the Arizona Department of Corrections. I had a great scene with Marshall. I was the C.O. who brought him in to be checked in. Marshall and I had been talking before the scene and decided that it would look good if I would give him a little push through the door. After we get through the door, I was to tell him very sternly to “MOVE IT”. It was great, a lot of close ups and everything. After we did that scene about ten times, we finally heard “Cut. Check the Gate”. Which means that’s the scene they liked and are going with. Then on to the next scene. But that was the only one I was there for that day. So it was time for me to go. Marshall caught me on my way out and asked if I still wanted that autograph. Of course. So he signed my index card.

So I hopped back on the shuttle to base camp. I made my way back to wardrobe and props and turned everything in. Casting signed off on my pay slip and was on my way home. When I left I felt so good. A good day, good people, and I had a line (albeit a small one) that was going to be on the show finally. So when the time came for the show to be aired, I’m watching and something is a bit different. The entire Arizona prison scene had been scrapped. Every single thing I did that day gone. Most likely on the cutting room floor. Oh well, it happens. It was very disappointing but there is really nothing you can do about it. I did my job. Just move along to the next one. 

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