A conversation with my four year old and wrestler Gideon Vane.
Back in December, I took my son to his first wrestling show. Prior to the show he had only briefly seen wrestling on tv. But we went and he met Mick Foley and he signed his Mankind action figure and he was really psyched about that. I also introduced him to "Gideon Vane" and I purchased a skull mask from him for my son. Then the show started. He was having a great time. As I have said before I think he liked the "good guys" coming over and giving him fist bumps or high fives than the actual wrestling. His face really lit up when Fuego came out and took a photo with us and even jumped over and stood next to us. He quickly became a favorite of his. Then Gideon came out. "Hey that's the guy I got my mask from" he said.
Fast forward to the "Have a Nice Day" show. I bring my son back as well as my nephew for his first show. Well my little guy wanted to talk to Gideon after we met Mick Foley. So we walked over and spoke with him. I had purchased a small photo for my son and nephew and Gideon signed them for the kiddos. He also took a photo with them. After he took the photo with them, my son started talking to him. It was hard to hear (especially a four year old) but that didn't stop my son. He started talking about the last time he had seen him wrestle in December. He was saying that Fuego was fast and did flips. "Yea Fuego is really fast" Gideon replied. "He was doing a lot of flips too" my son responded. " Yea, little man, I can't do that"/ Then straight from my sons mouth, "Well maybe you should practice" I damn near pissed myself. Gideon thought it was funny and said to him it was nice meeting you etc. I have always told my son that no one is good at everything. Most things take practice. So I can see why he said that. But it was hilarious to me.