Wednesday, November 20, 2024


This is the way

As they say

As to what happens tomorrow

And the following days

But who am I

Be that as it may

Just a nobody

Who’s tired of their game

So when the time comes and you see

That truth is not what they say

Don’t reach out to me

Because I no longer give a damn

This is the way. 

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

psychological disparagement

 He only loves you

When you're a fan of his.

Walking barefoot in the kitchen

Spreading mayo on the sandwiches.

Deep down you always know.

That this was always 

Just a plan of his.

I know it hurts to hear,

Because this person is

Who you made your future plans with.

But you spread love from love,

Not from taken advantages

Relationships should be 


Not just in a dream 

or theoretical

 or hypothetical

Even though they're words

eventually they can become medical